“That’s the thing about pain…it demands to be felt.”

Have you ever lost someone dear to you? Have you ever let go of someone you love because that’s the right thing to do? Have you ever lost yourself just to keep someone whom you thought are worth it? Have you ever been sad cos you have failed though you have given your best? Have you ever feel broken inside? Have you ever experienced pain in your life? If the answer is yes, congratulations! You are a real human.

According to one of my favorite fictional character, Augustus Waters from The Fault of in our Stars, PAIN DEMANDS TO BE FELT. Ouch. 😦 It is a sad and hurtful reality that always slaps us in our faces. Yes, it’s true. We should all experience pain cos it is a feeling that can always bring out the best and worst in us.

In my 23 years on existence, I can say that I have been through a lot. I’ve already experienced pain, joy, failure, happiness…I think I am who I am today because I was once a fragile girl who’s afraid of this big world. I do have regrets in life. I missed some opportunities that may not happen again and I  even let go of someone who appreciates me. Past is past and whatever happened, has already happened. I may not be able to rewind or repeat the exact moment but I know that I can always create a new one. 🙂

To those people who are currently experiencing pains in their lives right now, let me tell you something: That feeling shall pass. Yes, it will not be forever. Though you are on a storm at this moment, please do not forget that after that, you’ll going to see a bright rainbow. 🙂 Do not give up, God is with you. ❤

Life is a always a bitch but do not forget that you do have your packs who could be your allies on this fight. Stay strong.

All the love always,


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